College Rules and Regulations
All students shall abide by the College Rules and Regulations, which are mentioned below:
- Regularity and punctuality in lectures, demonstrations, practical, clinical and class examinations are compulsory. Students, who do not show satisfactory progress and are found shallow in their conduct, will not be allowed to appear in the University examinations. Students, who do not maintain a satisfactory academic standard and conduct, will not be allowed to hold any office in the College or participate in any extracurricular activities.
- Minimum required attendance as per the regulations of the MCI is compulsory. Any one failing to achieve this, shall not be allowed to appear in the University examination.
- Students are not allowed to paste any notice(s) within the Institute, without prior permission from the office of the Principal. They are also forbidden to communicate with any outside agency / authority directly. All such communications must be submitted through the Principal, who will forward these to the office of the Chairperson, if considered\desirable. Any student infringing this rule maybe suspended.

- The College does not hold itself responsible for debts incurred by the Students.
- No two -wheeler (LMV)/four-wheeler is allowed in the College campus. An undertaking to this effect has to be furnished by every candidate at the time of admission.
- Strictly forbidden in any part of the college campus are:
- Possession or use of alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances,
- Smoking, tobacco, pan masala etc.
- Possession or use of addictive orhallucinogenic drugs,
- Gambling.
- Possession or use of firearms or any lethal weapons.
- Loitering around, especially under the influence of alcohol.
- Students must pay for all damages caused by themto instruments, equipment, books and other collegeproperty.
- Carrying Mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the class rooms and academic areas, if found will be confiscated.
- Practicessuchas smoking, taking alcohol, narcoticdrugs, ‘Pep’pill sand smoking ‘pot’ which lead to degeneration of physical well being, loss of moral and spiritual values and damaging of personality are strictly prohibited in the college premises and hostels. Violation of these rules and regulations is viewed by the authorities as s serious offence and it may lead to disciplinary action evenleading to suspension/ expulsion from the college. Use of vulgar language and use of violence are also prohibited. Dancing in the College premises is discouraged.
- Any illness or / and minor ailment must be reported to the Principal or Warden as early aspossible.
- Students must arrange for washable Aprons, which are to be worn at all times in the college, laboratories and on hospital duty and also fortheir own dissecting instruments.
- College fees must be paid in full by the dates specified by the College. Any student whose fee, together with the fine if imposed, is still unpaid will be suspended fromattending lectures / practical.
- Indisciplineofanykindshallbeanoffencepunishablebyordersamountingtoeventhe expulsion of the student.
- The College is basically residential providing all amenities for physical and spiritual well-being of the students.
- Hostelaccommodationtoallthestudentsiscompulsorysoastomaintainregularity, standard of medical education and discipline.
- Sick leave: In all cases of illness recommendation of sick leave in writing by the Warden or Medical Officer must be presented to the Principal. Further, students should present sick leave certificate to the Principal after presenting the leave slip to the department concerned.
- Other leaves: Taking leave during the term is discouraged. However, if urgently required for any reason, parent so legal guardian of the hosteller should apply with a letter to the Principal through the Warden. Application should be sent well in advance. Students should inform the Warden before leaving the hostel when they proceed on weekend or any other leave. All students are required to inform the Principal and Warden in writing before they leave the hostel form other an 24hours.
- Official Leave: Students requiring leave for taking part in sports or games on behalf of the College should apply to the Principal through the Warden. Application should be sent well in advance.
- Medical Examination: All the candidates provisionally selected for admission to various courses will be examined by the Medical Board duly constituted by the Principal & Controller of the NA \AC on the basis of criteria evolved for medical examination by the Principal & Controller regarding their general and physical fitness.
- The College reserves the right tomake changes in the Guidelines, Fee Structure or any other information at any time without prior notice. The decision of the College shall be binding on all.